Simplify writing your will with Willbox

Creating a will with Willbox is extremely simple and only takes about 20-30 minutes.

We’ll guide you through each stage, using language you understand. No jargon, just straight-up talk!

Save Time and Money

Utilising our app streamlines the will-writing process, making it fast and straightforward.

Moreover, you can save money on costs associated with hiring a solicitor to draft your will.

Special Gifts

Almost all of us will have special gifts that we’d like to pass down to family members and friends.

Take a photo or add important documents to store with your special gifts list.

Zero to Hero in under 5 minutes

Zero to Hero in 5 minutes

Register in under 5min and start writing your will and creating your legacy today.

Register in under 5min and start writing your will and creating your legacy today.

Messaging Hub

With messaging capabilities, Willbox essentially transforms into your life hub.

Suggestions and changes can now all be stored in your messaging section in the app.

Document Storage

Our digital vault means you have a centralised place to house your estate, personal and financial documents securely.

Backed by industry-leading security standards.

Savings Across The Board

Willbox customers save on average 90% compared to those using a high street solicitor or will-writing company.

Will Updates

We know that life circumstances change all the time and there is a need to update your will.

When you use Willbox, you can make unlimited changes to your will, whenever you want, for life.

Will Sharing

When you share your will, that person will be able to view a read-only version.

Very helpful if you’d like someone to go over the finer details or perhaps suggest some changes.

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